Budget Transfers
Effective: | 01/09/13 | Approved By: Senior Associate Vice President for Financial Affairs and Chief Financial Officer | |
Revised: | 08/10/23 |
For Assistance Contact: Assistant Vice President for Budget and Financial Planning
This guideline establishes procedures for budget transfers between Cost Centers and budgetary accounts in the 世界杯官方app financial system. Budget transfers should not be used in lieu of appropriate accounting corrections (i.e., actual expenses). For guidance on accounting corrections, see Financial Guideline — Department Financial Reviews.
- Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 61. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
- State of Texas — Comptroller of Public Accounts: General Appropriations Act
- United States (US) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-110
University Guidelines
Table of Contents
A. Budgetary Accounts
Budgetary accounts are used to record budgets and budget transfers. Budgets are recorded in these accounts at higher level pooled categories (i.e., multiple general ledger accounts may roll up to one budgetary account). Below is a list of the available budgetary accounts.
- OPREV – Operating Revenue
- NOREV – Non-Operating Revenue
- RTRFS – Revenue Transfers
- A1000 – Staff Salaries (A&P and Classified) (A&P, i.e., Administrative and Professional)
- A1200 – Wages
- A2000 – Faculty and TA Salaries (TA, i.e., teaching assistant)
- A2100 – GTA Salaries (GTA, i.e., graduate teaching assistant)
- A3000 – Payroll Related Costs
- A4000 – Operating Expenses (M&O) (i.e., maintenance and operations)
- A6000 – Debt Service
- A7000 – Expense Transfers
- A9000 – Reserves
B. Intrafund Transfers
Intrafund transfers are budget transfers within the same Fund. For more information on Funds, see Financial Guideline — Chart of Accounts.
Intrafund transfers can be permanent or temporary. For permanent transfers, the funding Cost Center must contain sufficient Original Budget and/or permanent funds in order to process the transfer; the Office of Budget & Financial Planning (budget office) verifies this upon final approval of permanent transfers. Permanent transfers represent a change to the next year’s Annual Operating Budget.
Departments process transfers in PeopleSoft by creating a new budget transfer journal and submitting it for electronic routing, approvals and posting. Attachments can be added to the journal, when needed, to support the transfer.
1. Education and General (E&G) (Fund 21xx)
E&G funds are used to support 世界杯官方app’s general educational operations. Functions and activities typically funded from E&G include faculty salaries, operating expenses of instructional departments, general administration, student services, campus security, operation and maintenance of E&G facilities, special items and research enhancement.
Each vice president is responsible for ensuring the allocations are used for their intended purpose.
Intrafund transfers between E&G-funded Cost Centers are allowed with some restrictions:
- Research Development Fund (2110) must be used for the support and maintenance of educational and general activities, including research and student services that promote increased research capacity at 世界杯官方app. For more information on the Research Development Fund, see Texas Education Code Chapter 62, Subchapter E — Texas Comprehensive Research Fund.
- Non-formula funded items may have restrictions. For the relevant specific language, refer to the 世界杯官方app section in the current year’s General Appropriations Act, Article III - Education.
2. Designated (Fund 31xx)
Intrafund transfers between designated-funded Cost Centers are allowed with the following restrictions:
In Fund 3100, transfers between Designated Fund Cost Centers should have similar funding sources, see the following examples:
- Transfers between fee-funded Cost Centers and non-fee funded Cost Centers and certain other designated Cost Centers are not allowed.
- Transfers to Official Occasions Cost Centers from other Cost Centers are not allowed. Increases to Official Occasions Cost Centers must be approved by the senior vice president for Business Affairs or designee.
For more information on Official Occasions Cost Centers, see Financial Guideline — Financial Guideline — Business Related Hospitality and Entertainment Expenditures.
3. Service Centers (Fund 3200)
Transfers are allowed within the same Cost Center.
4. Grants and Contracts (Fund 5100-5499)
Transfers are allowed within the same Cost Center/Project ID if allowed by the sponsor.
5. Auxiliary (Fund 4xxx)
Transfers are allowed within the same Cost Center and between other Auxiliary Cost Centers when appropriate. Auxiliary transfers are based on the revenue and justification for collecting the revenue. For additional guidance, contact the budget office.
6. Gift (Fund 5500-5699)
Transfers are allowed between Gift Cost Centers with the review and approval of the Accounting Services office.
7. Unexpended Plant (Fund 71xx)
Transfers are allowed between projects within the same Cost Center/Project ID with approval of the assistant vice president, Financial Affairs/Controller (UTSA Financial Affairs Senior Associate Vice President for Financial Affairs & Chief Financial Officer/Controller) or designee.
C. Interfund Transfers
Interfund transfers are budget transfers between Cost Centers in different Funds, such as between E&G and Designated.
Departments process transfers in PeopleSoft by creating a new budget transfer journal and submitting it for electronic routing, approvals and posting. Attachments can be added to the journal, when needed, to support the transfer.
1. Transfers between E&G Funds (i.e., General Fund 2100, Research Development 2110) and Designated Tuition (Fund 3105)
Transfers between E&G and Designated Tuition Cost Centers are allowed in some cases depending on the funding source of the Cost Center (e.g., transferring a portion of designated tuition revenue to E&G may be allowed). State appropriations must be fully accounted for in E&G Cost Centers and fully expended in the fiscal year awarded as reimbursement from the state.
Transfers between E&G and Designated Cost Centers may be
- Temporary – Access to funds in the required fund is provided through a Cost Center and is reconciled by the budget office.
- Permanent – These transfers are authorized in the Original Budgets at the beginning of the fiscal year. During the fiscal year, the budget office tracks permanent transfers initiated by departments or management and updates are captured in the next annual budget development cycle. The funding Cost Center must contain sufficient Original Budget and/or permanent funds in order to provide permanent transfer of funds.
Transfers to E&G Cost Centers are allowed only for funds meeting the E&G definition. Transfers from E&G Cost Centers must be in compliance with the Texas Education Code and current General Appropriations Act.
2. Service Centers (Fund 3200)
Interdepartmental transfers (IDTs) are allowed in accordance with Financial Guideline — Establishment and Financial Management of Recharge Centers and Specialized Service Facilities.
3. Grants and Contracts (Fund 5100-5499)
Interfund transfers from/to Grants and Contracts Cost Centers/Project IDs are not allowed.
4. Auxiliary (Fund 4xxx)
Transfers to fund certain Plant Fund projects are allowed. Transfers from Designated Cost Centers may be allowed, when appropriate.
NOTE: Transfers from E&G funds to Auxiliary Enterprise Funds are not allowed.
5. Gift (Fund 5500-5699)
Interfund transfers from/to Gift Cost Centers require approval from Accounting Services.
6. Unexpended Plant (Fund 71xx)
Transfers into Plant Funds Cost Centers/Project IDs are allowed to establish a new project.
- Amounts equal to or greater than $1,000,000 and less than $2,500,000 are subject to UT System approval.
- Amounts equal to or greater than $2,500,000 are subject to UT System Board of Regents approval.
Funds in excess of need are returned to the original revenue source when a project is closed out.
NOTE: Transfers from E&G Funds to Plant Funds are not allowed, unless specifically outlined in the 世界杯官方app section of the General Appropriations Act.
Related Forms
- Fund Rules for Budget Transfers job aid